Write this in your server.cfg
start HRLib
start HRAdminMenu
Restart your server
Config Preview
local config = {}config.language ='bg'config.warns = { max =3, exceedingAction = { action ='ban', -- 'ban' or 'kick' banExperience =3, -- In days (Set this only if you set the action to 'ban') reason = ('You were banned for %s days for reaching maximum warns count! Experience date: %s'):format(3--[[ your experience date ]], '%s'), -- if you understand configure this by your own way but if you don't, configure it without removing the %s in the translation (this is the experience date after reaching max warns) },}config.frameworkRequiredFuncs = { -- This table enables/disables the functions in the adminmenu that require framework (available frameworks: 'ox'|'esx'|'qb') setjobFramework =true, setmoneyFramework =true}config.commandsNames = { ['goto'] ='goto', bring ='bring', ban ='ban', unban ='unban', setStaff ='setStaff', removeStaff ='removeStaff', tpm ='tpm', emergency ='emergency', freeze ='freeze', warn ='warn',}config.menuSettings = { openMenu = { key = { enable =true, defaultKey ='HOME' }, command = { enable =true, cmdName ='adminmenu', } }}config.groups = { -- table of special commands access or 'all' (available commands for each group: 'goto', 'bring', 'ban', 'unban', 'setStaff', 'removeStaff', 'tpm', 'emergency', 'freeze', 'warn', 'setMoney', 'setJob', 'spawnVeh') { name ='mod', commandsAllowed = { -- table of special commands access or 'all''goto','bring','tpm' } }, { name ='admin', commandsAllowed ='all' }}config.instructions =[[ Fill this within your instructions for the menu usage]]