If you installed and started the script, each player will be able to create a storage after purchasing one, using the command /createStorage.
If you purchased a storage, after using the command you'll be able to configure your storage's position via
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local config = {}config.language ='bg'config.target ='ox_target' -- 'ox_target' or 'qb-target'config.storageProp ='prop_container_05mb'config.storageRobbery = { cooldown = { enable =true, cooldown =120, -- In seconds }, itemRequired ='lockpick',minigameFunc=function() -- This minigame requires https://github.com/T3development/t3_lockpick resource! If not found, HRStorages will stop with an error in the outputreturn exports.t3_lockpick:startLockpick('lockpick', 2, 4)end}config.signal = { enableOwnerSignal =true, -- If true the owner will accept a signal blipRadius =150.0, color =3, alpha =200-- Max 1000}config.stashSettings = { maxSlots =50, maxWeight =5000-- In grams !! WARNING !! This is using for registering the stash and cannot be changed onto every stash every signle time!!}config.store = { ped = { models = { -- We take a random model from this table here. Configure this from https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models'a_m_y_business_02','a_m_y_business_01','a_m_y_hasjew_01' }, coords =vector4(-230.5639, -916.2744, 31.3108, 340.3738) }, price =30000, getMoneyFrom ='both', -- 'cash' or 'bank' or 'both' commandName ='createStorage'}