An innovative script for FiveM servers designed to enhance activity and diversity in the game, especially during periods with a lower number of active players.
Last updated
An innovative script for FiveM servers designed to enhance activity and diversity in the game, especially during periods with a lower number of active players.
Last updated
Purchase HRTasks, download it and move it to your resources folder
Download all the dependencies for the script and move them in your resources folder
Install the dependencies from their documentations and configure everything
Write this in your server.cfg
start HRLib
start framework # here you have to write the neccessary lines for starting the framework and its dependencies
start ox_target
start ox_inventory
start HRTasks
Restart your server
local config = {}
config.language = 'en'
config.enableItemReward = true -- This enables or disables the item reward for each task and like that if you disable it, you're not supposted to use ox_inventory
config.rewardsAccount = 'bank' -- 'bank' or 'cash'
config.clickDistance = 0.5
config.tasksPer100Players = 10
config.checkTimeout = 30000 -- The check for existing tasks
config.blipSettings = {
sprite = 161,
colour = 38,
label = 'Task To Do'
config.propsBlipsSettings = {
sprite = 1,
colour = 3
config.peds = {
config.petBoxSettings = {
model = `prop_cs_cardbox_01`,
offsetCoords = vector3(0.1748702178096, 0.1352829627836, -0.22197255511198), -- Use tgiann-attachproptoplayereditor to set this (equivalent of "position" in the print of the tgiann-attachproptoplayereditor)
rotation = vector3(153.16755687187, 53.414436959572, -10.302079416484) -- Use tgiann-attachproptoplayereditor to set this
-- Animation for tgiann-attachproptoplayereditor: 'anim@heists@box_carry@', 'idle'
config.tasks = {
type = 'searchProps',
reward = {
moneyReward = 500,
itemReward = {
{ name = 'bread', chance = 20 }
ifNotDoneTax = 50,
minProps = 2,
dialog = {
pedName = 'Freddie Hubbard',
questionLabel = 'Hi! Mind if you can help me with collecting my parts?',
agreeLabel = 'Yes',
disagreeLabel = 'No'
target = {
startConversationLabel = 'Talk to the person',
finishTaskLabel = 'Finish the task',
cancelTaskLabel = 'Cancel Task'
propsBlipLabel = 'Particle',
props = {
model = `prop_car_ignition`,
locations = {
vector4(-382.5960, -269.5207, 33.6839, 50.2009),
vector4(-364.6120, -282.1701, 32.4082, 226.5830)
model = `p_car_keys_01`,
locations = {
vector4(-386.3222, -266.9285, 33.9480, 54.0754)
model = `prop_rub_carpart_05`,
locations = {
vector4(-390.0739, -264.2125, 34.2148, 54.0978)
model = `prop_rub_carpart_02`,
locations = {
vector4(-393.9236, -261.3197, 34.4804, 51.9666)
model = `prop_rub_carpart_04`,
locations = {
vector4(-398.3510, -257.7803, 34.7846, 51.4838)
model = `prop_rub_carpart_03`,
locations = {
vector4(-402.0865, -254.4405, 35.0657, 52.9104)
pedLocations = {
vector4(-377.4457, -276.4481, 33.2399, 323.3493)
type = 'searchPet',
reward = {
moneyReward = 300,
itemReward = {
{ name = 'bread', chance = 20 }
ifNotDoneTax = 50,
petsModels = {
dialog = {
pedName = 'Freddie Hubbard',
questionLabel = 'Hello! Can you help me find my pet against payback?',
agreeLabel = 'Yes',
disagreeLabel = 'No'
target = {
startConversationLabel = 'Talk to the person',
finishTaskLabel = 'Finish the task',
cancelTaskLabel = 'Cancel Task'
pedLocations = {
vector4(-329.1118, -311.0046, 29.8969, 322.8829)
petLocations = {
vector4(-313.6682, -296.2060, 29.9579, 300.5041)
The config is set by default with all the positions and other settings just like in the video